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French Postdoc.

LIENSs, CNRS/La Rochelle University



Dr. Amann Benjamin

My research activities aim to achieve a better understanding of the functioning of 'sediment sinks' systems and their evolution in a context of global change and anthropogenic pressure. These sedimentary sinks encompass various environments such as lakes, fjords, terrestrial wetlands (peat bogs), and coastal wetlands (salt marshes), all sharing the common characteristic of being natural archives or sentinel environments of global changes and witnesses to the evolution of human activities. I approach the study of these ecosystems across a wide range of time scales, combining short-term scales for process understanding (e.g., annual, seasonal, tidal monitoring) with longer-term Quaternary scales, with a significant focus on the Anthropocene. This multi-scale approach enables me to distinguish and quantify natural forcings from anthropogenic pressures on the functioning and evolution of environments and to attribute their causes.

Drawing on methods from physical geography, my ambition is to address societal issues and ultimately provide a decision-making tool for the management of these sentinel environments: laissez-faire, preservation, rehabilitation. Specifically, geosciences (sedimentology, geomorphology, and (bio)geochemistry) are highlighted to enhance understanding of environmental functioning and the carbon cycle, in relation to the forcings shaping the evolution of these environments and their future.

I carried out my research work in the Swiss and French Alps, in Europe (Sweden, Poland), in the Canadian Arctic, in Chilean Patagonia, as well as on the French Atlantic coast.



  • Climate change

  • Sediment transport

  • Limno-bio-geology

  • Hydro-geochemistry

  • Paleoclimate research

  • Carbon cycle

QUALIFICATION 2023 (FR) - Maître de Conférences

  • Section 35 "Structure et évolution de la terre et des autres planètes" (Nº17235279865)

  • Section 36 " Terre solide : géodynamique des enveloppes supérieures, paléobiosphère" (Nº17236279865)

  • Section 37 "Météorologie, océanographie, physique et chimie des enveloppes fluides superficielles de la Terre" (Nº17237279865)

  • Section 23 "Géographie physique, humaine, économique et régionale" (Nº17223279865)



  • Ph.D. Climate Sciences

University of Bern - Bern, Switzerland

  • M.Sc. Hydrology, Hydrochemistry, Soils, Environment

Université Paul Sabatier III - Toulouse, France

  • B.Sc. Physics and Chemistry

Université des Sciences et Techniques - Besançon, France

Have joined the Review process for...


  • Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis from the Working Group I (WGI)  (Spring 2019, Spring 2020)


  • Journal of Quaternary Science Reviews (QSR)

IF: 4.797 (2016)

  • Journal of Earth Surface Processes and Landforms

IF: 3.697 (2016)

  • Journal Climate of the Past

IF: 3.543 (2016)

  • Journal of Quaternary Research (QR)

IF: 2.195 (2016)

  • Journal of Paleolimnology (JOPL)

IF: 2.168 (2016)

  • Journal of Geological Society of Sweden (GFF)

         IF: 1.142 (2016)

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