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Teaching Experience
Lecturer Geology and Oceanography
La Rochelle University - France
3L, 3T, 4P [France = 10.5h éqTD]
1st grade Master (M1)
2nd Grade student (L2)
Course Overview

Guest Professor Sedimentology
Ghent University - Ghent - Belgium
16 L [France = 24h éqTD]
2nd Grade student (L2)
Shared course with I. Meyer and V. Heyvaert
Course Overview

Invited 'Expert' Training course in Quaternary Geochronology
Academy of Sciences, Brussels
Varve chronology: theory and practice
MSc and PhD students in geo-sciences and archaeology
Training course Overview

Lecturer Geosciences (ATER)
University of Pau and Adour Countries - Pau - France
Full year 30 L - 60TD - 130TP [France = 192h éqTD]
Hydrogeology (L1/L2/L3 & Head course unit 1st year M.Sc.)
Hydrochemistry (L2)
Soil Science, Water, and Environment (L1/L3)
Student Career Development Project (L1)
E.g. UE Hydrogeology M1

Instructor 'Climate Change' Course (GPHY 314)
Queen's University - Kingston, ON - Canada
Fall term 36 L - 12T [France = 66h éqTD]
130 Students
3rd Grade Course [France = équivalent Licence 3]
Supported by/Responsible for 3 Teaching Assistants

Course Overview
2013 - 2014
Co-instructor for a 3-day field and lab course in Paleolimnology (x2 summers)
Institute of Geography - University of Bern - Switzerland
[France ~ 20h éqTD]
6 - 10 Students
5th Grade Course [France = équivalent Master 2]
Support in fieldwork - Coring, sediment trap establishment and hydrolab measurements
Laboratory analyses - Introduction and application of visible reflectance spectroscopy, magnetic susceptibility, lithostratigraphical analysis of varves, geochemical analyses such as water content, LOI550/950, and DBD
Data interpretation - Statistical analyses for proxy/climate calibration and reconstruction

Course Overview
2007 - 2009
Private teacher/ homework assistant (x2 years)
Association Animation Jeunesse - Noroy-le-Bourg - France
Support in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, and English
High-school level
~ 5 Students/weekend
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