Rencontres Scientifiques, La Mer Monte in Narbonne, France
"Rôle des marais littoraux dans la protection des côtes"
Colloque National Pluridisciplinaire : Restauration et reconnexion des marais littoraux in Brest, France
"Marais côtiers des Pertuis Charentais : un piège de carbone à long terme ?"
EUCOP2018 in Chamonix-Mt Blanc, France
Talk1: “Seasonality matters: Past winter climate from the Canadian High Arctic"
Talk2: "Thaw slurry lake deposits: paleoenvironmental indicators of long term permafrost dynamics" on behalf of S. Lamoureux
Permafrost Young Researchers Network (PYRN) Travel Award
PAGES Climate2k International conference - Climate variability and human impacts in Central and Eastern Europe during the last two millennia: "Spring (MAM) temperature signal in teh varved sediments of Lake Zabinskie, NE Poland - Calibration and reconstruction back to AD 1600"
1st Spörer Minimum workshop in Bern, Switzerland: “The Spörer minimum represented in lake sediments: case studies from the Alps and Poland”
4th Climpol workshop in Gdańsk, Poland: “Sedimentary pigments & VIS-RS data – Potential for a 1000yr climate reconstruction”
11th Swiss Geoscience Meeting in Lausanne, Switzerland: “Scanning reflectance spectroscopy (380-730nm) for Paleoenvironmental and climatic changes assessment”
3rd Climpol workshop in Jeziorowskie, Poland: “Geochemical proxies: calibration with climate data” [Oral1]
“Sedimentary pigments and VIS-RS data” [Oral2]
10th Swiss Geoscience Meeting in Bern, Switzerland: “Varved Lake Oeschinen: quantitative assessment of climate signal in the sediments”
Arbeitsbesprechung Physische Geographie in Schwarzenburg, Switzerland: “Quantitative climate reconstruction from varved Lake Oeschinen: from calibration to reconstruction”
2nd ClimPol Workshop in Gdańsk, Poland: “High-resolution VIS-RS scanning”
3rd Varve Working Group Workshop in Manderscheid, Germany: “Quantitative summer MJJA precipitation and rainstorms from varved Lake Oeschinen, Swiss Alps: calibration and validation AD 1920-1986”

Swiss Polar Institute, Crans-Montana Conference_High Altitudes meet High Latitudes: Globalizing Polar Issues
"When seasonality matters: climate reconstructions from the Canadian High Arctic & the European Alps over the last millennium using varved lake sediments"
Young Researcher Travel Awards 2017_Swiss Polar Institute SPI
AGU Fall meeting in San Francisco, United States: “A 400-year reconstruction of winter conditions using varved lake sediments, Canadian High Arctic: a step forward in the data coverage for the most sensitive season to climate change"
EGU General Assembly in Vienna, Austria:
“Varved sediments of Lake Oeschinen, NW Alps: filling the gap in the flood frequency-precipitation relationship for the last millennium”
“Multiple climatic signals inferred from the varved sediments of a coastal lake in the Canadian High Arctic” [Poster2]
Post-Doctoral Travel Awards 2016_Queen's University
Queen’s Northern Research Symposium in Kingston, Canada:
“Winter climate conditions of the Canadian High Arctic reconstructed over the last 400 years using varved lake sediments”
EGU General Assembly in Vienna, Austria:
“Quantitative high-resolution rainfall reconstruction back to AD 750 from the varved sediments of Lake Oeschinen, northern Swiss Alps”
“Spring-temperature variability and eutrophication history inferred from sedimentary pigments in the varved sediments of Lake Żabińskie, NE Poland” [Poster2]
15th Swiss Global Change Day in Bern, Switzerland: “Varved lake sediments for quantitative climate research”
12th International NCCR Climate Summer School in Grindelwald, Switzerland: “Varved lake sediments for quantitative climate research”
14th Swiss Global Change Day in Bern, Switzerland: “Varved Lake Oeschinen, Swiss Alps: quantitative assessment of precipitation signal in the sediments”
11th International NCCR Climate Summer School in Monte Verità, Ticino, Switzerland: “Quantitative summer (MJJA) precipitation; calibration and validation from varved Lake Oeschinen, Swiss Alps”
13th Swiss Global Change Day in Bern, Switzerland: “A promising site for high-resolution multi-proxy European paleoclimate reconstructions: the last millennium from northern Poland”
Conferences / Seminars